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Dave Wilkinson (Friends of Highgate Brewery, Merchandising Officer)

e-mail:- fohb@talktalk.net  with order & your contact details.

or post to:

 Mr Dave Wilkinson , c/o 14 Launceston Close, Walsall, WS5 3EG.

Please include full payment by cheque or postal order,
(no cash please) payable to:

‘Friends of Highgate Brewery’.

Please add £1.25 per order (up to 5 items)
or £1.55 per order (6 to 10 items)

to cover postage & packing.

Allow up to 28 days for delivery.

Highgate Brewers Merchandise

Horse Brass



First class leather belt with brass buckle offer

Please give £5 deposit and
waist measurement to Bob Newton when ordering.